A Success Story with S70

We recently had the privilege of working with S70 to revamp their website, focusing on delivering a visually appealing but also high performing product. At Skyra Media we work to create the best possible, but also most affordable websites, and our work with S70 exemplifies this commitment.

Optimized for Peak Performance

The website we developed for S70 boasts a sleek, but efficient design. Our team ensured that performance was not compromised despite featuring rich multimedia content. Notably, the site achieved an impressive performance with top-notch metrics.

Performance Metrics Overview

First Contentful Paint378ms
Time to Interactive1.8s
Speed Index1.6s
Total Blocking Time71ms
Largest Contentful Paint378ms
Cumulative Layout Shift0.01


Working with S70 on this project has been a fantastic experience. Their clear vision and collaborative feedback was fundamental in creating a high-performance website that functions both efficiently and aesthetically. We look forward to continuing our partnership and working with S70 in the future. .
